About the Practice Work Group

Practice is one of the three Generation Next strategic levers. The Generation Next coalition seeks to change actions or efforts that directly or indirectly impact student learning. 

Improving and aligning educational practices is at the core of the Generation Next Theory of Action. Generation Next relies on its educational partners and others serving students to illuminate barriers and elevate opportunities to improve student outcomes. Additionally, the expertise of the Generation Next coalition members is at the core of policy and funding efforts for the partnership. 

Practice Work Group Role

The Practice Work Group will work with Generation Next staff to identify barriers, innovations, and opportunities to implement and scale effective practices by:

  • Advising Generation Next staff on the creation of a framework for the identification of promising and effective practices
  • Establishing a protocol for sharing and recognizing effective practices and practitioners
  • Bringing attention to systemic, policy, or other barriers to innovating or improving practices
  • Advising Generation Next staff on where to focus the continuous improvement and facilitation resources of the partnership
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[icon_counter flip_type=”vertical_flip_top” border_size=”2″ border_color=”#5cc6cb” icon=”Defaults-calendar” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#5cc6cb” block_title_front=”POLICY” block_desc_back=”Policy is one of the three Generation Next strategic Levers. The Generation Next coalition seeks to change district, city, county, and state level decisions that impact or influence student outcomes.” custom_link=”1″ button_link=”|||” button_text=”Click Here to Learn More” button_bg=”#5cc6cb” button_txt=”#000000″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”300″ cont_align=”on” ult_param_heading=””]