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About the Data Committee

The Generation Next Data Committee seeks to enhance the efforts of the Generation Next Leadership Council, staff, and networks. It seeks to empower these groups to use data effectively to plan, implement, monitor, and improve the activities of Generation Next. In this way, it supports evidence-based decision-making and the continuous improvement of Generation Next; it promotes the aims of Generation Next to increase academic achievement and close the achievement gap among the Twin Cities’ low-income students and students of color.

Data Committee Role

The Data Committee focuses on:

  • Quality standards and policies regarding indicators used to monitor education and to measure goal achievement
  • Framework for evaluation of Generation Next
  • Development & testing of new goals and measures for Generation Next
  • Vetting research carried out on behalf of Generation Next staff and/or networks
  • Advice on the development of a “common table” for data used to guide multiple educational initiatives


Click here to read the Generation Next Data Committee Statement on Data & Assessment Literacy and Data Use. 

Other Work Groups:

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[icon_counter flip_type=”vertical_flip_top” border_size=”2″ border_color=”#5cc6cb” icon=”Defaults-calendar” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#5cc6cb” block_title_front=”POLICY” block_desc_back=”Policy is one of the three Generation Next strategic levers. The Generation Next coalition seeks to change district, city, county, and state level decisions that impact or influence student outcomes.” custom_link=”1″ button_link=”|||” button_text=”Click Here to Learn More” button_bg=”#5cc6cb” button_txt=”#000000″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”300″ cont_align=”on”]
[icon_counter flip_type=”vertical_flip_top” border_size=”2″ border_color=”#77a13d” icon=”Defaults-money” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#77a13d” block_title_front=”FUNDING” block_desc_back=”Funding is one of the three Generation Next strategic levers. The Generation Next Coalition seeks to align and direct resources allocated by philanthropic and governmental institutions to activities that improve student outcomes.” custom_link=”1″ button_link=”|||” button_text=”Click Here to Learn More” button_bg=”#77a13d” button_txt=”#000000″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”300″ cont_align=”on”]