About the Policy Work Group

Policy is one of the three Generation Next strategic levers. The Generation Next coalition seeks to change district, city, county, and state level decisions that impact or influence student outcomes. 

In the spirit of collective action, the objective of the Policy Work Group is to explore policy issues that impact students in the Minneapolis – Saint Paul region and to collaborate across government and organizations to find solutions to resolve conflict as a collective, rather than as a set of separate organizations and individuals. 

Policy Work Group Role

The Policy Work Group will work with the Generation Next Executive Director and Director of Policy and Advocacy to identify, develop, and vet policy priorities brought by members of the Policy Work Group and staff.


  • Each year, the Policy Work Group must create and recommend to the Executive Committee a policy agenda that identifies the priorities of the partnership.
  • Generation Next staff may also work on issues as they arise, but must prioritize progress on the approved agenda.
  • Policy Work Group members must strive to move the policy agenda by adopting or advocating in favor of policy agenda positions.
  • Any member of the Policy Work Group may abstain from supporting issues that are in opposition to its own organizational priorities without rescinding membership or inhibiting the work of the partnership.
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[icon_counter flip_type=”vertical_flip_top” border_size=”2″ border_color=”#9954a1″ icon=”Defaults-refresh” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#9954a1″ block_title_front=”PRACTICE” block_desc_back=”Practice is one of the three Generation Next strategic Levers. The Generation Next coalition seeks to change actions or efforts that directly or indirectly impact student learning.” custom_link=”1″ button_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fgennextmsp.org%2Fpractice%2F|||” button_text=”Click Here to Learn More” button_bg=”#9954a1″ button_txt=”#000000″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”300″ cont_align=”on”]