Teacher Diversity & Teaching Diverse Learners

Objective: Work collaboratively to implement new or scale existing strategies to reduce barriers to entering and remaining in the teaching profession encountered by BIPOC communities.

Our Teacher Diversity project team gathered local leaders from community-based organizations, districts, and teacher preparation programs to establish and strengthen youth and adult pathways to teaching. Through an in-person “Connecting the Teacher Diversity Ecosystem in Minneapolis & St. Paul” convening, these partners shared how they advance youth pathways to teaching through internships, storytelling, and policy. For adult pathways, they provide licensure, data and evaluation, funding and pay, internships, engagement, and support.

The convening identified future areas for shared work, including teacher retention, intentional engagement of BIPOC students into education, Cultural Competency Training, and moving away from the “isolated island” model where individual districts and organizations are tackling this on their own to a comprehensive, full-community effort that includes stable, sustainable funding.

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