Our Goals
Since our founding in 2012, Generation Next and our partners have made measurable impact for Twin Cities kids.
The seeds for success in school and in life are planted early — before kindergarten — and they extend to training or education beyond high school.
Generation Next uses six key benchmarks to plot critical points along a student’s journey, from kindergarten to early career.
Kindergarten Readiness
Each child enters kindergarten with the literacy, social, and emotional strengths needed for successful learning.
Middle Grade Math
By the end of 8th grade, each student is on track to meet benchmarks for success in math.
Social-Emotional Learning
By the end of 8th grade, every child is socially and emotionally equipped to learn.
High School Graduation
Each student graduates from high school ready for college and career.
Postsecondary Attainment
Every high school graduate earns a post-secondary degree or certification.